
This is fine, right?



  1. Combine the United States of America with equal parts society rooted in racism and violent and racist police force. Mix until thoroughly combined and place over medium heat.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare unaffordable health care by privatizing health insurance and inflating prices. Set aside in a separate bowl for step four.
  3. While the United States of America is heating up, add the corrupt presidential administration and let simmer for four years.
  4. After mixing, add the unaffordable health care from step two and bring to a boil.
  5. Once the mix is boiling, add the highly infectious and deadly disease and stir until thoroughly mixed. Allow mixture to boil for five months before covering and bringing to a simmer.
  6. Prepare the upcoming presidential election by corrupting the postal system. Bake at 425 degrees for two months.
  7. Once excess liquid has been reduced, turn off heat and plate the United States of America mixture before it has time to cool. Top with the upcoming presidential election and serve immediately.